Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Way to get to SVNIT from Railway Station

So, first things first, let me introduce myself,
I am Srikar K.C & I'm pursuing bachelors in mechanical engineering at NIT Surat. I created this blog to help out future students to get to know more about the campus and it's surroundings.

La première question,How to get to SVNIT?
Way to SVNIT on Google Maps
Once you get to the railway station/airport, take the taxi or auto rickshaw depending upon your luggage/convenience and then ask the driver to take you to SVNIT, he might ask you whether it is the same as SVREC (REC - Regional Engineering College.. its an old name), it is one and the same. If that name doesn't seem to ring a bell for him, tell him to take you to ICHCHHANATH and ask around, you will easily find directions to the college. On the first day of admission, you will find placards with directions on them within the campus to the location which you will have to go to.

Now, where to stay?
Hostel, obviously! But for parents, there are guest houses available, first try the guest house on the opposite side of the road to SVNIT, if rooms there are unavailable, the guest house staff will guide you to another hostel with vacancies, these rooms are good enough for a week's stay and some of them even have A.C. If you want to stay at a hotel, the closest ones to the campus are 'Ginger Hotel' and 'The Grand Bhagwati'. Ginger hotel happens to be more economical than The Grand Bhagwati.

What you will need in the hostel?
I would recommend having a laptop to keep in touch with parents, book tickets, and keep yourself updated with a lot of campus happening, besides that, other toiletries can be bought here. Stationary would be provided by the institute, you will need about Rs.2000 for it.

I also recommend getting a bicycle as you would be commuting between classrooms & hostels everyday. If you do happen to have a paunch, you'll watch it disappear thanks to the mess food and the long walks ;).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this awesome travel information about hotel near railway station with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!
